Citizen Conference on Xenotransplantation
01/2022 | News
Between February and April 2019, the Institute of Ethics, History and Theory of Medicine hosted a Citizen Conference on Xenotransplantation. Over the course of three weekends, eighteen citizens from Munich and its neighboring municipalities gathered to deliberate on the medical, ethical, psychological and social aspects of xenotransplantation, that is the transplantation of cells, tissue or organs from animals onto humans.
The Citizen Conference was run as part of a collaborative research project on xenotransplantation that was funded by the German Research Foundation.
The objective of the Citizen Conference was to provide the participants with an opportunity to get informed about a subject that was not vastly popular to-date, and for them to engage and discuss with each other, all whilst developing a well-reflected opinion on the chances and risks of xenotransplantation.
The written results of this deliberative process, namely the Citizen Vote, which contains the participants’ critical statement on xenotransplantation, can be found here PDF: Citizen Statement.
More information:
Citizen Conference on Xenotransplantation
Published 2021
Kögel J, Marckmann G (Hg.) Xenotransplantation als gesellschaftliche Herausforderung. Die Münchner Bürgerkonferenz: Hintergründe - Verfahren - Ergebnisse – Reflexionen. Paderborn: mentis 2021
Language: German